Spiritual Work

Find out about the work being done at Sachibondu Mission

We long to see the manifest presence of God in Sachibondu. That this would be a place where people meet face to face with the living God. A place where people grow and mature in the Lord. A place where people are trained up and equipped to go out into the world and be a reflection of Jesus.


One of the key values of living in Sachibondu is that we believe in discipleship. We believe in inputting into people in a holistic way, covering people in love, and leading by example.

This takes place through both formal and informal settings. This includes teaching, giving valuable practical experience, and speaking into people’s lives with love. We aim to help individuals and groups grow up into maturity In Christ enabling them to fulfil their potential. Our desire is that they will grow in biblical character traits, so that they can stand strong in all seasons of life.

In the future we would like to develop a more formal discipleship program. Where people can commit themselves for a specific amount of time and develop life skills.

Bible School

There has been a Bible School at Sachibondu from Sachibondu’s conception and over the years, this has taken different forms, and has run for different time periods. Some schools are for a long weekend, some for a week and others for months at a time. People from all over the province come for training. The speakers range from people locally, to other guest speakers that come in specifically to share their wisdom and knowledge.


The local Church here is CCC (Christian Community Church) but welcomes people of all denominations and seeks to work with other churches on an interdenominational basis. The church serves people of the local community, seeking to meet their spiritual and practical needs. Whilst doing this it endevours to be a witness for Jesus and a shining light to all around.


The Retreat (Also known as Peniel, which means face to face with God). Is a site of natural beauty. A place where many people have experienced the presence of God, and his angels.

In the past there were many small houses (called rondavels) at the site, where there were many meetings and conferences. A place where intercessors would meet and pray for the nations. Unfortunately, these buildings decay.

A few years ago, we had the vision to start to rebuild these buildings. So far, a shelter (called the meeting place) and one rondavel have been erected. We have the vision to build more of these. This is so that groups can come and have time away and seek the Lord’s face. This can be used by local people and international. This is a place where people can come to be restored and receive input and revelation. There are many testimonies of encounters with God in this place, and we desire that others would come and experience the Lord and have their own testimony. We believe that the best years of the retreat lie ahead, and the that the Lord would continue to use it powerfully to impact people’s lives.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.”

— Matthew 28:19