
Caring for Sarah

Sarah is a severely disabled young lady with cerebral-palsy. She is non-verbal, and her arms and legs are non-mobile. she is unable to sit up. Although she is non-verbal, she is able to communicate using her beautiful smile and laughter.

She was born in a hospital in Chingola, Zambia. We are unclear as to whether she was either abandoned or her mother died in childbirth. Nurses cared for her until she was 6 weeks old, and she was then rescued and cared for by a missionary couple in Chingola for 4 years.

Tragically, the adoptive father died suddenly of leukaemia, and Gordon and Peggy Suckling (founders of Sachibondu) took over Sarah's care. They looked after her at Sachibondu for 18 years until Peggy passed away in August 2007.

Peggy’s youngest daughter Eira and her husband Andy had promised to take over Sarah's care in the event of Peggy's death, which they did. Eira and Andy cared for her for 15yrs, until they moved away from Sachibondu, where Becks and Jon Burston gladly took Sarah into their home in January 2022.

Sarahs needs are high and she requires a full time carer. Sarah was gifted a wheel-chair some years ago but it is very old and dilapidated now and also isn’t suitable for Sarahs physical disabilities.

We would love to purchase a custom-made chair for Sarah to give her more comfort and support.

Sarah sleeps on a normal bed but this makes nappy changing and lifting very difficult for Becks and Sarah's carer. We would love to purchase a hospital bed that can be maneuvered up and down.

If you would like to partner with us financially to support Sarah's monthly costs or help us purchase her a wheelchair and hospital bed, then please click the donate button below.

I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.

— Psalm 139:14