Renovations on clinic shelters begins!!
There are many buildings and structures at Sachibondu that have not been maintained over the years and are very dilapidated. It has been our desire and conviction to restore them and build new buildings to accomodate the growing community at Sachibondu. There are two grass shelters at the clinic that are no longer safe to use which has been to the detriment of the patients and their relatives. These shelters are used all year round to shelter from the hot sun and the heavy rains and they are used for cooking meals too. The termite ants have begun to completely destroy the concrete slabs and wooden poles and so the whole base of both of them need to be restored along with the grass roofs.
With an appeal we made on our social media, and the generosity of some people, we have almost raised enough to completely rebuild and restore these two shelters. We are so grateful and the local people are excited! We have commissioned a local man and his friends to source the new grass and poles etc while we are busy procuring the cement and sand. Works should be commencing soon!